Remote Collar Training Can Save a Dogs’ Life

Remote Collar Training Can Save a Dogs’ Life

Remote collar training can save a dogs life. This method of training allows us to cultivate an invisible leash, so to speak. We can whisper to our dog at super low levels. Conversely, when we need to shout at our dog, we have that capability and flexibility through...


Engagement.  Do you find time to engage with your dog?  Many times, when I see owners that work outside the home, they feel bad about their dog being home alone all day.  So they give free time from the moment they get home from work until bedtime.  The dog does in...


Affection.  Look at this face.  Who doesn’t want to pet sweet Asher.  How you interact with your dog may or may not be received as you intend by your dog.  You get what you pet.  Petting a nervous, excited, fearful or anxious dog, may be unintentionally...

Remember these two?

Remember this dynamic duo? Khloe and Bella came to stay with us this past summer because they were getting into fights that would land them at the vets office. So proud of their owners for getting the help these girls needed and continuing the work at home. These two...